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1. 请资材部提供最近两个月的欲生产产品计划 (Take the forecast schedule form PC (2 months) and compare with Production schedule)
-确定量大的产品(Sort high models in the schedule)
2. 制定IE改善计划(Make IE improvement schedule )
-从生产排程中挑选量大、成本高的产品进行改善 (Select models to high order & cost from forecast schedule for improvement)
-改善的五个步骤(5 steps for improvement)
2分析,BF&AF表单填写(Analyze , Before & After sheet)3改善(Implement)
4改善效果追踪(Follow up)
5标准工时与作业指导书的修订(update Std time)
3. 观测流水线作业时间(Observation time in production line)
-每个工序测5个时间(Observe 5 times/Process)
-包含损失的时间(Not include lost time in observe time (C/T))
4.BF&AF表的制作(Before & After sheet)
这里分3个部分(There are 3 parts)
1.BF&AF表(Before & After)
(Comparison between Before (IE,Observation)and After (Plan,Actual))
2. 关键指标汇总表(Summary)
-生产线平衡率(Line balance efficiency)
-标准工时(Std time)
3. 绘制图表(Graph)
5. 改善汇总Summary improvement
所有改进后的产品关键数据汇总表(Summary all models after implement already)
-标准工时(Std time)
-生产线平衡率(Line balance efficiency)
-人力(Man power)
6. 修订标准工时表(Update Std time sheet)

上一篇:IE工业工程相关术语介绍 下一篇:用PDM支持实现准时生产(JIT)

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